Epigenetics Topics

  • Inflammation & Detoxification
  • Digestion
  • Mood & Mental Health
  • Energy
  • Prenatal and Pregnancy
  • Weight loss and Lipoedema
Inflammation & Detoxification

This session helps to understand how gene variants and their cellular functions can positively affect inflammation by working together as an efficient detoxification system.


Learn your body’s metabolism for protein, fat, carbohydrates, and higher needs for vitamins, minerals and compounds to discover your optimal ancestral diet.

Mood & Mental Health

Determine serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, GABA and glutamate gene function to understand your mental and neurological health.


Learn which genetic pathways may be leading to fatigue and how to target these genes to boost daily energy levels.

Prenatal and Pregnancy

Assess folate, B12, B6, choline, prebiotic, vitamin A, D and omega-3 requirements for a healthy pregnancy and child.

Weight loss and Lipoedema

Integrating genetics and epigenetics into weight loss and lipoedema management offers significant benefits:

  • Personalised Treatment Plans: Tailored to individual genetic profiles and epigenetic modifications for more effective interventions.
  • Early Detection and Diagnosis: Enhanced through genetic screening and epigenetic biomarkers, allowing timely preventive measures.
  • Optimised Therapeutic Strategies: Target specific genetic and epigenetic pathways to improve treatment outcomes.
  • Deeper Understanding: Explores genetic contributions and environmental impacts on gene expression, enhancing disease mechanism knowledge.
  • Preventive Health Measures: Guides lifestyle modifications and provides continuous, tailored support based on individual profiles.
  • Sustained Health Improvements: Promotes better long-term disease management and overall health.


Get more information about kick starting your three step process to better health.